So yeah, I havenapos;t written in a few days. I got my Western CiV test back today...I thought I failed it. Well I got a C- and I canapos;t complain about that because I completely bullshat the answers. Tomorrow I get my Spanish, Math, and Geography test back. Actually as of right now Iapos;m procrastinating from reading geography because itapos;s so god damn boring. Tomorrow my first paper for English is due...I actually finished it a couple days before it was due, usually I wait until the night before. I am so agervated with my family right now..what disgusting group of individuals they are. The house is about 80 degrees...and I hate high temperatures, I canapos;t wait till winter and I hope itapos;s a real cold one. So yeah my boss was in a real pissy mood today, must be that time of the month, or perhaps the tide went out again. My guess he got into some kind of fight with his girlfriend.� It smelled like rotting eggs at work today too, I guess he had the sewer cleaned out or something...whatever. I donapos;t feel like writing anymore.
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